March 14, 2025

Maintenance Request Form

  All requests for maintenance or repairs must be made in writing.    Please complete this form and email it to us.
For emergency repairs you may call the office 408/981-1565. and then follow up by completing this form.
  After hour emergencies, please call our voicemail at 408/981-1565. If it is a life-threatening emergency, call 911.

  We will contact you with a specific date and an approximate time of our intent to make the repairs you have requested.  This notice constitutes our written notice to you of our intent to enter your unit.  By submitting this from you acknowledge that this notice meets our requirement to notify you in writing, 24 hours in advance, of our intent to enter your unit.

Resident's Name(s): *  
Property Address and Unit #: *  
Resident's Phone Number(s): *  
email address: *  
Describe the problem. Give as much detail as possible including exact location, make and model number if applicable.: *  

Do you have any pets? Yes; (Pets must be kenneled prior to entry of Maintenance personnel.):  
Do you have an alarm? If so what is the code?:  
May we use our keys to enter your unit?: *   Yes, just let me know the date and approximate time you'll be entering my unit.

  No, please give me a 4 hour time frame and I'll be home to let the maintenance person in.

Is there any additional information we should be aware of?:  

Submitted by: *  
Date: *  


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