March 14, 2025

Resident Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When is my rent due?
  2. Who do I call if there is a problem?
  3. Why the periodic inspections?
  4. What do I have to do to the property?
  5. Can I run a home business out of the property?
  6. I have good friends who are handy around the house; can I get them to make repairs?
  7. Can I have repairs done myself and just take it off the rent?
  8. We are roommates. Can we each pay our share with a separate check?
  9. If we want to stay another year what do we do?
  10. How do I get my deposit back?
  11. Do you keep keys in the office in case we lock ourselves out?
  12. Can I let others move in to help on the rent?
  13. Can I cancel the utilities if I move out prior to my lease expiration?
  14. What documents do I submit when applying as a tenant?

  1. When is my rent due?

    Rent is due on the 1st of each month and considered late on the 5th after 5:00 p.m. We give those few extra days to you just in case the mail is running late, but remember, if we receive your rent check on the 6th, it’s not one day late it is six days late.

  2. Who do I call if there is a problem?
    Contact your Property Manager, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. for any emergencies or problems.  Rick Chehab: 408/800-7028.

    For emergencies (weekends or evenings) dial: 408/800-7028.  And please EMERGENCIES ONLY.

  3. Why the periodic inspections?

    They are for preventive maintenance. We are looking for little problems that can grow into big issues if not caught in time. Good examples of little problems would be wood rot or a slow leak under a sink that if not repaired can cause more extensive damage over time. 

  4. What do I have to do to the property?
    Treat it as if it were your own: Keep it clean, do not abuse the equipment, replace expendable items such as light bulbs, batteries, filters, fuses etc as needed, keep drains running freely, maintain the lawn and gutters, keep the tubs and showers caulked, report needed repairs promptly and be there for the appointment, keep the house rid of all pests, do not let pipes freeze, if animals are permitted keep them under control, repair damage caused by guests or family members and remove any decorating you have done when you vacate.

  5. Can I run a home business out of the property?

    Only with written permission from the owner.

  6. I have good friends who are handy around the house; can I get them to make repairs?

    No. We have licensed approved contractors who are bonded and insured.

  7. Can I have repairs done myself and just take it off the rent?

    No.  If you do then you will be responsible for the entire bill.

  8. We are roommates. Can we each pay our share with a separate check?

    No, the rent is to be paid by one check. Also, please remember, each one of you is liable for the entire rent.

  9. If we want to stay another year what do we do?

    We will contact you approximately 60 days from the end of your lease to ask your intentions. Just let us know, in writing, if you wish to stay. We then go to the owner for his/her permission to continue renting the property.

  10. How do I get my deposit back?

    You will get your deposit back by returning the property to us in the condition you received it.  We will send you a move-out sheet with instructions.  Deposits are usually returned within 30 days, depending on the jurisdiction the property is located at.

  11. Do you keep keys in the office in case we lock ourselves out?

    No. You will need to call a locksmith. We recommend you get an extra set made to keep on hand. We do have extra keys for emergencies but we cannot check them out to you.

  12. Can I let others move in to help on the rent?

    Not without the owners permission.  If the owner does approve a sublet situation a complete rental application must be submitted, processed and approved on any potential roommate.

  13. Can I cancel the utilities if I move out prior to my lease expiration?

    No.  You are responsible for all utilities until the end of your lease.  You will be charged for any damage that might occur to the property caused by the lack of this necessity.  

  14. What documents do I submit as potential tenant?

    1. Complete a separate application for all persons over 18. All persons to reside on the premises should be listed on application with their date of birth. 2. Proof of income: For W-2 income, two recent pay stubs or proof of income for self employed copy of income tax for two years. 3. Copy of driver's license front and back. 4. Copy of a recent credit report issued within the last 30 days.


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